House of Ill-Repute

This is a nicely-constructed little House in Urban TIM, constructed by Empedocles. To get there from the TinyTIM Nexus, go "interplace", "city", "north", "east", "east", "east", and "north", or else just @teleport to #38480 and then go up.

The House has all sorts of fun rooms, with fun MUSH-coding to appeal to a variety of tastes. Disclaimer: Empedocles tried to make the House appeal to a wide range of tastes. If there's something that offends you in it, stay out of that room. Here are a few of the features:

Cozy Room
A lovely foyer for the House. Sit in the couch, but don't forget to stand up before trying to leave. You may need to visit the bathrooms there; look at the graffiti.
Please Brutality Rooms
Commands here are law for other people! Be careful what you ask people to do, they have to obey. Other rooms off the main one have a similar feature, except that only members of one sex or the other can command there.
Dark Room
Pitch black; you can't tell who's doing things, you can just hear and feel someone. Bring friends.
Bondage Room
Real, working MUSH-coded bondage frame. The "bondee" can see and hear what's done in the room, but can react only in controlled ways. An interesting experiment in the interaction of role-playing and coding, no matter your preference.
Large semi-public room where anything consensual and sanitary goes. Make sure you wear a nude description, and don't pass up a chance to lounge and swim in the hot tub!
And more...
Really, some of the cleverer stuff has to be seen to be understood.
People often come to the House, unfortunately, with some misplaced expectations. They expect things of the House for which is really wasn't designed. Here are some things the House is: There are, however, some things the House is not: So, if you think you have the hang of that, why don't you stop by and check it out? Remember, at Empedocles' House of Ill-Repute, it's our business doing pleasure with you.

Empedocles the Ash Ock